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Sunday Services
in St Jude's

Sunday 7th July

8.00am Holy Communion (BCP)

9.30am Informal Holy Communion

Sunday 14th July

8.00am Holy Communion

9.30am Sung Eucharist

6.00pm Compline (Zoom)


Sunday 21st July

8.00am Holy Communion

9.30am Sung Eucharist

Sunday 28th July

8.00am Holy Communion

9.30am Sung Eucharist

4.00pm Fourth Sunday at Four

Please note that the 9.30am service is always live-streamed on our YouTube channel each Sunday. If you are unable to join us in church, we warmly invite you to tune in.

There is also Holy Communion at 10.00am

on Wednesdays

Further announcements may be found here on our website and on Facebook

Contact telephone number

01784 434133


The 8.00am Holy Communion service on the first Sunday of each month and 6.30pm Evensong on the second Sunday are according to the 1662 Book of Common Prayer. Sadly Evensong is still not running due to Covid

Children and Families

We welcome children of all ages at our regular Sunday services and try to cater for them in various ways.

First Sunday of each month at 9.30a.m:
Service of Holy Communion led by our Methodist minister, Andrew Reed, using a shortened and simplified Methodist form of service. There is a talk geared to children and they can play percussion instruments during the singing. Older children may find this service a good way of getting used to Eucharistic worship.


Other Sundays at 9.30a.m:
Junior Church in the Monsell Room. An adult tells a Bible story (usually based on the Gospel reading for the day) and children do activities based on that story – for example colouring, modelling and word puzzles. Parents can stay in church or else attend Junior Church with their children. The children come into church after the intercessions to share what they have been doing, to lead a prayer and to share in the Peace, and come in again a little later to receive a blessing at the communion rail. 

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