Baptism (or Christening)
Baptism is the sacrament of initiation into membership of the Church which Jesus asked of those who sought to follow him.
Baptism is the celebration for you exploring and committing your child to the Christian Faith rather than the party for their birth. The service involves you and your Godparents positively affirming your faith in Jesus and committing to bring your child up in the faith within the church community. That’s why parents and Godparents must themselves be Baptised and ideally Confirmed too.
Who can be Baptised?
We are pleased to baptise candidates who live in the parish with parents and Godparents who are themselves baptised.
If you live away from the Parish of St. Jude’s then we must invite you to seek baptism for your child in the parish where you live, because it really is about your child belonging to their local church community and where they can attend their church rather than one which cannot realistically be their place of attendance today – sorry!
If you live outside of the parish but have specific links to St. Jude’s then we would be pleased to start to discuss baptism with you. Please contact us.
We do hope that we may be able to host the baptism of your child here, it is always a special joy.
When do Baptisms take place?
We host Baptism Services on the 3rd Sunday of every month during the normal Parish Communion service at 9.30am. Some Sundays through the year may be changed for special church events and please note that we will only accommodate up to 4 children in a service. The baptism service lasts about an hour and we can accommodate you inviting approximately 50 guests.
How do I book a baptism for my child?
Baptism is an important event and we would like to take the opportunity to welcome you and help you to think through what it means and what you will need to say and do in the service. Please contact us, or visit the church between 2.00pm and 4.00pm on Saturday afternoons for further information.
What about Godparents?
It is traditional to have three, but you may ask one or two more Godparents. Please ensure that your Godparents are themselves baptised; it is a legal requirement. We regret that we cannot accept any requests for Godparents who are not baptised. Please also ensure that two are of the same sex as your child. Godparents need to be Baptised and should also be Confirmed (we have a bit of discretion over them being Confirmed). Godparents need to make some big declarations and promises so do consider carefully the faith of a godparent before you ask them to do this for you.
This is what the canon law states about the need for Godparents and about their role:
1. For every child to be baptized there shall be not fewer than three godparents, of whom at least two shall be of the same sex as the child and of whom at least one shall be of the opposite sex; save that, when three cannot conveniently be had, one godfather and godmother shall suffice. Parents may be godparents for their own children provided that the child have at least one other godparent.
2. The godparents shall be persons who will faithfully fulfil their responsibilities both by their care for the children committed to their charge and by the example of their own godly living.
Will it cost me anything?
No, Baptism is free – but we do invite you to leave a donation in thanks giving for the baptism after the service, thank you.
What next?
For you and your child we hope that you’ll come back and visit us on Sundays – you’re so welcome to be part of the church family in St. Jude’s.
See our Services page for details of all services, Junior Church and ‘Messy Church’.
The Monsell Room (adjacent to the church), is available for gatherings of up to 50 people following a baptism service.
Please contact the Monsell Room Bookings Secretary for further information.